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Email Marketing – Halloween Sale Email Campaign

Client Testimonial

"Working with Jo is always insightful and fun. From concept to completion, Jo’s always on top of it and has the knack of finding different perspectives or avenues to get the best out of the project, people or event. Working with her has grown our business and our expectations of what can be achieved."

Lockjaw Records 

Lockjaw Records is a European punk rock and hardcore label with a strong focus on collaboration with other independent labels, venues, artists, and businesses, living by their Do it Together (DIT) philosophy. 

I lead on Lockjaw Records Halloween Sale email campaign for Lesley-Anne O'Brien. 
We had three different bundle offers up for grabs, the email campaign had 10 well-crafted emails sent over a 24-day period. This strategy led to the successful sale of 25 bundles, a substantial achievement for our campaign.
While our open rate (20.42%) was slightly below the Music and Musicians Industry standard (21.88%), our click-through rate exhibited a different story. The industry standard sits at 2.94%, however, Lockjaw's average climbed to 3.35%, indicating that our audience found the bundle offers compelling.
  • Email Marketing

  • Marketing Analytics

  • Project Management

  • Copywriting

  • Marketing Advisor