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The Art of Networking: Maximising Your Impact at a Networking Event

What if I told you that your next client, business partner, or mentor could be sitting right next to you at a local meet-up? You might think I'm exaggerating, but that's precisely the magic of attending a networking event.

It wasn't that long ago that I poo-pooed the idea of networking. I thought it was all about people pitching their services to one another. While this is a small part of it, I realised what many people are looking for goes beyond that.

One of my favourite local meet-ups is the People, Planet, Pint event, an informal gathering organised by Small99 for those passionate about sustainability. 

Each time I leave my place to attend this event, I wrestle with my anxiety and question, "Why am I doing this?" But then I remember how I felt after attending my first People, Planet, Pint event in Brighton. 

The connections I forged at that gathering unexpectedly led me to the very first Brighton B Corp Social meet-up. I was buzzing with energy and excitement for days afterwards, highlighting the profound impact of connections, the boundless opportunities for learning and collaborating, and the simple pleasures of social interaction.

Screenshot of LinkedIn post about People Planet Pint and B Lab UK Social event in Brighton

(Caption: That's me in the turquoise beanie at the back. Source: Sam Zindel's post on LinkedIn)


What is a Networking Event

A networking event is a common platform for professionals to connect, collaborate, and embark on new opportunities! Whether it's a conference, workshop, seminar, or casual meet-up, these gatherings foster a sense of community and enhance your professional development. They allow you to forge relationships and share ideas with like-minded people who share your interests and goals. The atmosphere at these events often varies, ranging from formal and structured to informal and relaxed, depending on the organizers and the event's purpose.

what is a networking event

the Benefits of Networking

Networking isn't just about handing out business cards (thank goodness for that because I don't have any! 🫣); it's about building relationships with like-minded individuals who share your values and ambitions (and finding ways to connect online – namely LinkedIn, phew!😅). 

At the People, Planet, Pint meet-ups I discover a diverse mix of business owners, consultants, sole traders, and sustainability enthusiasts, all united by a common goal: to change business practices for the good of our planet.

But why should you consider networking as a coach, consultant, or small business owner? Here are 4 reasons why you should consider attending a networking event near you:

01 Expand Your Client Base

One of the most tangible benefits of networking is the potential to meet people who need your services. Now, while I said I don't like the whole pitching to one another thing, it is helpful if you have a pitch to hand so when people ask about you, what you do, and how you help others, then you've got something to hand.

At the People, Planet, Pints event, everyone's interested in sustainability, making it an ideal place to connect with potential clients who align with my business values. And instead of thinking about it as just selling myself, I think of it as a way to connect and collaborate, growing relationships organically and opening up more opportunities to grow my client base far beyond the people I meet.

You never know; while the people you meet might not directly need your services or product, you might spring to mind when they speak to someone who does, and word-of-mouth is still the strongest form of marketing.

02 Discover Local Events

Networking offers a unique opportunity to discover local events that you might enjoy. In addition to People, Planet, Pint events and B Corp Socials, I also join monthly skateboarding events with Board Women and attend punk rock shows and festivals (often working behind the Lockjaw Records stall). While not directly associated with my niche, these events often provide valuable learning experiences and further networking opportunities.

03 Combat Loneliness

Let's face it: working predominantly on your own can be isolating. I've been working from home since 2019. Initially, I worked for a SaaS start-up where I was part of a virtual team (while living in a share house) to, living on my own, and only working with clients 1:1 (virtually).

Networking events like People Planet Pints and Board Women events offer a chance to engage in social interaction, exchange ideas, and simply "shoot the shit" with people who understand my field and interests.

04 Personal Growth

Yes, attending a networking event —especially when dealing with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or if you're a natural introvert— can be daunting. But, the informal setting of events such as People Planet Pints and Board Women, coupled with the welcoming nature of the attendees, makes it less intimidating.

These events provide a platform to step out of your comfort zone, engage in conversation with new people, and gain exposure to different perspectives and ideas. Networking can enhance soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and negotiation, which are crucial for professional success. And remember, you can always reach out to the friendly local hosts beforehand or even bring along a friend for moral support.

board women events

Making Networking Accessible

What I love about the People Planet Pints events is that they're designed to be as accessible as possible. Don't drink beer? No problem! The 'Pint' merely signifies the casual conversation and laid-back atmosphere. You can enjoy a soft drink, tea, or coffee instead.

The event also caters to everyone interested in sustainability, from professionals to students, council workers to business owners. There's no formal agenda, just an opportunity to have conversations and hear different perspectives on sustainability.

And then there's Board Women. These events are specifically for women and non-binary people over 30 looking to get together and do board sports and meet other people with the same interests (while I only join the skateboarding events, there are snowboarding and surfboarding events, too). 

To Sum Up...

Networking is so much more than meets the eye. It's a journey filled with opportunities for personal growth, potential clients, and the chance to contribute to a more significant cause. So, why not give it a try? Start by searching for a free event on Eventbrite.